Drugs/Cocaine/Cannabis/Heroin/Crystal Meth/Ketamin/GHB/
Eating disorders/Prescription Meds/Sex and love addiction/
Screen/Tech addiction.
If you or someone you know is using drugs or abusing substances,eating or shopping and all the above and needs addiction counselling then take the following signs as a clear indication you/they would greatly benefit from therapy.
Health Issues
Preoccupation With Using Drugs/Substances/shopping/eating/Tech/Sex/
Promises And Failure To Quit
Change In Personality
Denial And Excuses
Work Issues
Loss of Interest
Relationship/Money Problems
Poor Health Appetite/Anxiety/Depression/Exhaustion
Are you finding life unmanageable ? relationship and family problems ? financial problems ? anxiety issues ? depression ? drug use out of hand ? then drug addiction counselling will be a good starting point to turning your life around.